If you lost your cool at Province House, would you be blamed, charged or...

By SANDRA HANNEBOHM In May of 2013 — four years ago this month — then-NDP MLA Percy Paris was arrested for assaulting Keith Colwell, a...

What will Springtide do in 2019?

Six years ago this month we registered the non-profit society that we now call ‘Springtide’. As 2018 comes to a close, I'm writing today...

Fighting Environmental Racism in Nova Scotia: Q&A With Advocate of the Year, Dr. Ingrid...

Dr. Ingrid Waldron was recently named the Advocate of the Year at the Better Politics Awards for her work fighting environmental racism in Nova...

Politicians could learn to collaborate from whale watchers

Written by Mark Coffin. Originally published in the Chronicle Herald.  If politics worked more like the whale watching business, more of us would want to...

Electoral reform is not about revolution, it’s about evolution

Written by Jesse Hitchcock  In ecology, we talk about ecosystems - groups of organisms living together and interacting with their environment. Ecosystems are perfectly engineered...

Why we need an Open House in Nova Scotia Politics

There are plenty of ways to find out what is happening in the Government of Nova Scotia, but the most interesting findings rely on...

In Nova Scotia, roads rule while other issues fail to get traction

In Nova Scotia, roads connect us. With our resource economy, roads have been essential for taking goods from sellers to buyers. They are how...

The pitfalls of calling your MLA about the potholes

By LOUISE COCKRAM In the same way that trivial calls to 911 might hinder help to people in dire emergencies, calls to MLAs that focus...

Bill Black: Are majority governments good or bad?

Guest Blog by Bill Black A core question when considering proposals for new voting systems is whether majority governments are good or bad. I think they...

It’s tough to break political parties’ stranglehold on democracy in Nova Scotia

By MARK COFFIN The reasons an MLA ends up as an independent are generally not the same as the reasons we romanticize independence. The career...